This unique Hands-On Seminars course has been developed and customized by world-renowned authors, clinical experts and business entrepreneurs Dr. Dimitrios Kostopoulos and Dr. Konstantine Rizopoulos.
Neurofascia Revealed serves two distinct, and equally valuable purposes for your Staff and your Clinical Practice:
• Your Staff will learn to: interpret electrophysiological and neuro-imaging findings for the evaluation of the neural tissue; form a precise treatment plan and interventions
based on diagnostic findings and clinical examination
• Clinicians will be trained for proper technique selection and application to various patient problems using neurofascial tissue principles pertaining to both the peripheral nerves as well as the central neurofascia.
“I never imagined that a course would have this kind of
impact to me and to my patients. As I apply to my
patients these techniques my practice has expanded
through word of mouth because of my outcomes. This
course is brilliant” - Mary J., PT,
This is a MUST attend for all clinicians who want to take their clinical expertise to the next level! Clinical staff members of HODS partners must absolutely take this course. The course is taught personally by Dr Kostopoulos and is appropriate for PTs, PTAs, OTs, and OTAs and ATCs who have or have not been trained in diagnostics.
Here is what is included:
1) Clinical examination of the most important musculoskeletal problems (Cervical & Lumbar Radiculopathy, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Ulnar Neuropathy, Tibial Neuropathy and several other frequently see Neuro-Musculo-Skeletal Conditions.
2) When and how to refer for diagnostics
3) How to understand the results of an EMG, MSKUS, Evoked Potential, MRI
4) How to create a treatment plan using a combination of your clinical examination data and diagnostic data
5) Patient classification and technique selection using Modern Neurodynamics Principles
6) Application of each technique
Our Founders:
Dr. Dimitrios Kostopoulos DPT, MD, PhD, DSc, ECS
is Board Certified in Clinical Electrophysiology, with over 30 years of clinical experience, and is a Clinical Affiliate Professor at Florida Atlantic University.
Dr. Konstantine “Kostas” Rizopoulos DPT, MCMT, RMSK
holds a doctoral degree with a focus in business administration, marketing, public relations and management. He has treated more than 100,000 patients over the last 30 years and has performed thousands of ultrasound diagnostic tests.